
Thursday, September 21, 2017

Maths Wk-9

  • Read scales
  • Identify the measurement used
  • Locate the place of measurement
  • Use the scales provided and count on
This task was hard at some points because it included some Geometry stuff that I forgot about in the start of the term But the easy part was when I had to tell between all the "Abbriviations" and Adding some of the answers together . I found this a fun task because I learnt something good .

Reading Blog: WK-9

  • use a range of strategies to understand a text

  • Predict what the story is about by using headings/pictures
  • Ask questions about the text
  • Clarify anything you have read that you don’t understand
  • Summarise what the text was about

This task was eay because I understood the Text . The Challenging part was probably getting my group to quiet down and respect the person who was reading parts of the story.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Karena & Tracey's Activity Reflection: Shoe Tower

Today We did a Activtity/Challenge and we had to build a tower using our shoes .The  challeging part was Having to come up with strategies .Because everytime we tried one it didnt seem to work. But in the end we found one. The part I liked was probably having to work with eachother instead of Against eachother. And Also Bringing out some of my competitivness out of me.

Friday, September 15, 2017

Reading Post-WK 8

WALT: Identify a authors purpose in a text.
-Read the text.
-Notice the authors language
-Make a judgement weather its

  • To Persuade
  • To Infrom
  • To Entertain.
This task was pretty challeging and easy at the same time. The easy thing was to notice the way the author wrote the text and also explaining our reason for choosing that specific "Judgement".The challenging was mostly figuring out what language the author was writing in. I enjoyed this actvity because it taught me some new things.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Maths BLOG

This task was easy and simple.I enjoyed verins otther people in the Country and also getting the questions right. I found nothing challenging in this game apart from distractions from people around me.

WALT: Word Problems.(Capcity and Mass)
S.C: Word Problems .(Capcity and Mass)
This task was easy because I had to find answers to word prblems that involves Capcity . I forgot a little bit about how to "Convert" a number into another Volume . Overall I did okay in this task and would like to start doing challeging questions.

Friday, September 8, 2017

Market Day-WK7

Market day:
Ana-Zariya & Ama

The positive side about Market day was how organized majority of the stalls were. 
I was mostly impressed by the Room 4 girls whose idea was nice and small - Popcorn with chocolate syrup, M&M and malteasers as topping. One of the mothers of the girls in their group had helped them hire a real proffesional Popcorn maker and the earned way more than they had targeted. I was also really impressed by the effort and the creativity of each group. There were some incredibly smart people to use their talents. Some cut peoples hairs, some painted peoples nails and some even specialized in making slime and it actually sold out. Though my group didn't earn a lot of money I was so proud of my friends stalls and other classes ideas.

- Ama

The negative thing about market day was that some stalls ran out of specific and that some teachers had to run back to the supermarket to get it. Or the group had to cancel that "Meal" for the customors. Another negative was that some products didn't look or tatse like it looked like in the Advertisement or even took a long amount of time to be ready.


ReadingBlog WK-7

WALT: comprehend adventure novels--
The story "Lost Underground"

  • Read the text
  • Activate knowledge about the text
  • Skim and scan for key information

Today I read the story "Lost Underground" I really enjoyed only because I understood the text and was very driven to read more of the story. I answered the question upto number 6. Nothing really challenged me while reading this book/Answering the questions. I was more focused because I was sitting next to nobody that could distract me as much as my friends do.

WALT: Voices in the park
S.C:Voices In thr park
This morning We did a story called "Voices in the park" and we had to go around to the tables and describe that character that is on the paper on the table. I found this easy and simple because the story was something I had already read before.

Maths Blog-Wk 7

WALT: Exploring Capacity
S.C: -Know the measurement of capapcity
        -Identify the correct use of capacity measurement for objects.
         -Convert capacity measurements.

I did a task that involved "Capacity or Volume". We had to convert capacitys and write down the abbrieviations for the volumes. I found this task very easy but challenging at come points. I probably need to work on the questions the involved "Decimal points"

WALT:Straight Line Angles
S.C: Straight Line Angles
Today my task was "Straight Line Angles" . It was challenging and fun at the same time.I learnt how many angles are in a point when In a Straight Line. I had to find missing angles in specific shapes. I guess i found most of the angles in the question.
WALT: Identify Mass
S.C: -Use the correct abbreviations of weight measurements
-weight measurements
-Identify appropriate measurement of weight
This task was challenging but easy at the same time I could easily identfy the abbrieviations of the weight measurement.I only had trouble with converting the answers/quesions into another tyoe of Weight measurement.