
Wednesday, October 12, 2016

The School Holiday's

       School Holidays

On the last week of school holidays my highlights were taking tense driving lessons with  my Aunty, Next I had white sunday and last I kicked back with the fam.

Firstly, I took driving lessons with my
Aunty in her car, it was a tense and hilarious lesson . We drove up and down the block refreshing my mind because I haven’t done this in for ages,but the main for me was trying not to crash into other cars.Luckily I didn’t, for my sake it felt scary at times but then I got used to it.

Secondly, My family and I had a nerve racking white sunday… trying to remember our verses. After we said our verses, we moved on to our creative dance. The dance went well but accept for standing there for 2 minutes or so waiting for the music to be set up. So at the end we finished off with a song and after church we had feed, to say thank you.

Lastly, I just kicked back with the fam playing touch,held and board games basically. But the best part was being off the wifi  because I now found out that family is kind-of better than the wifi.

In conclusion it was a fun and nerve racking holiday,but was still fun and enjoying.  THE END