
Friday, September 8, 2017

ReadingBlog WK-7

WALT: comprehend adventure novels--
The story "Lost Underground"

  • Read the text
  • Activate knowledge about the text
  • Skim and scan for key information

Today I read the story "Lost Underground" I really enjoyed only because I understood the text and was very driven to read more of the story. I answered the question upto number 6. Nothing really challenged me while reading this book/Answering the questions. I was more focused because I was sitting next to nobody that could distract me as much as my friends do.

WALT: Voices in the park
S.C:Voices In thr park
This morning We did a story called "Voices in the park" and we had to go around to the tables and describe that character that is on the paper on the table. I found this easy and simple because the story was something I had already read before.

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