
Friday, September 8, 2017

Market Day-WK7

Market day:
Ana-Zariya & Ama

The positive side about Market day was how organized majority of the stalls were. 
I was mostly impressed by the Room 4 girls whose idea was nice and small - Popcorn with chocolate syrup, M&M and malteasers as topping. One of the mothers of the girls in their group had helped them hire a real proffesional Popcorn maker and the earned way more than they had targeted. I was also really impressed by the effort and the creativity of each group. There were some incredibly smart people to use their talents. Some cut peoples hairs, some painted peoples nails and some even specialized in making slime and it actually sold out. Though my group didn't earn a lot of money I was so proud of my friends stalls and other classes ideas.

- Ama

The negative thing about market day was that some stalls ran out of specific and that some teachers had to run back to the supermarket to get it. Or the group had to cancel that "Meal" for the customors. Another negative was that some products didn't look or tatse like it looked like in the Advertisement or even took a long amount of time to be ready.


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